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IDRV – Institute of Design Research Vienna, Harald Gruendl, Marco Kellhammer, Christina Nägele (Hrsg.)
Werkzeuge für die Designrevolution
Designwissen für die Zukunft
The publication invites the reader to take part in a critical examination of today’s sustainability fashion and our own consumer culture. Switching between activist demands and subtle humor, it shows the position of current designs at a critical turning point and offers guidelines for sustainable design processes. It presents practical tools alike to be used as basic equipment to clear the way to a social, ecological and ethically sustainable future.
A term like “open source design” stand for a changing understanding of design processes. Learning from each other, exploring experimental strategies and mindsets in combination with scientifically proven methods is the key to change. Design is more than just giving an appearance to products – it plays a vital role in changing the appearance of a society fit for the future as well as in the formulation of sustainable lifestyles based on global solidarity.
_analyzing impact of design practices on the environment
_guidelines and ideas for sustainable design
_search for new forms of participation in design processes
_practical tools for every-day use
Also available in English.